Recently I bought ASUS USB Wifi N adapter after seeing it had linux support.
The details of this adapter as printed by lsusb is as follows
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0b05:1784 ASUSTek Computer, Inc.
I thought it will be detected straight away by Ubuntu when I plugged in. That was not the case. The model required rt3070sta kernel module. This I came to know from searching Ubuntu forums. The module is in staging and it is still rt2870sta and did not work.
Now that it did not work for me, I compiled the source code bundled in the CD and connected to my home router. But it was not the latest source code. So I went to ralink site and downloaded the source and compiled it. But the code had debug prints to log to systemlog and it kept filling syslog. oops
To my surprise Windows 7 pulled the driver from net, autoconfigured and no need to tell it is way ahead of the curve. Now back to Ubuntu
I wanted to get the latest rt3070sta driver source compiled for 2.6.35 kernel in Lucid, and I ended up in compilation errors. Then came an idea, that rpmfusion would have compiled the driver for 2.6.34 for Fedora 13 and 2.6.35 for Fedora 14 rawhide, so I went straight to rpmfusion website and downloaded the source code
Then I experimented patched driver source from in Ubuntu. And the experiment worked extremely well to my delight. There was no compilation errors, not with 2.6.32 or 2.6.35 kernel, wow, Fedora and its community rocks as always
There was no flooding debug prints, no unncessary tftpboot configuration, support for 2.6.34 kernel ... the signal was good and everything seemed to work well with the patched source code from
Here is the summary of what I did to configure the ASUS Wifi module step by step, as this may help someone
Step 1
Download rt3070-kmod src rpm from rpmfusion updates for Fedora 13,
Step 2
Install p7zip-full if it is not already installed, this is to extract the source rpm
sudo aptitude install p7zip-full
Step 3
Extract the source rpm, by right clicking the downloaded rpm
Step 4
Change to extracted directory and extract DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.2_20100412.tar.bz2
Step 5
Copy all the patch files into the newly extracted directory
cp rt3070-*.patch DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.2_20100412/
Step 6
Installing the patches
Change to extracted folder where the patches have been copied (see previous step 5)
Brief explanation of what the patches does
rt3070-2.6.34.patch --> To avoid errors when compiling with kernel version 2.6.34 and above (this is due to the function usb_buffer_alloc and usb_buffer_free is not there from 2.6.34 and changed to usb_alloc_coherent and usb_free_coherent)
rt3070-no2.4-in-kernelversion.patch --> This patch removes kernel 2.4 support from the makefile
rt3070-Makefile.x-fixes.patch --> Fixes makefile installation rule
rt3070-strip-tftpboot-copy.patch --> This patch removes configuring tftpboot while installing the driver
rt3070-suppress-flood.patch --> To avoid numerous debug logs. This patch comments out debug logs
Install the patches in the correct order as mentioned below
1.To apply rt3070-2.6.34.patch run the following command --> patch -p1 <rt3070-2.6.34.patch
2.To apply rt3070-no2.4-in-kernelversion.patch run the following command --> patch -p1 <rt3070-no2.4-in-kernelversion.patch
3.To apply rt3070-Makefile.x-fixes.patch run the following command --> patch -p1 <rt3070-makefile.x-fixes.patch
4.To apply rt3070-strip-tftpboot-copy.patch run the following command --> patch -p1 <rt3070-strip-tftpboot-copy.patch
5.To apply rt3070-suppress-flood.patch run the following command --> patch -p1 <rt3070-suppress-flood.patch
Step 7
To avoid possible conflict with 2870 driver
Run this command (just copy the following and paste in the command line)
for sta in common/rtmp_init.c include/rt_ate.h include/os/rt_linux.h README_STA* RT2870STACard.dat ; do
sed 's|RT2870STA|RT3070STA|g' $sta > tmp.sta
touch -r $sta tmp.sta
mv tmp.sta $sta
Step 8
Build the kernel module
CFLAGS="-march=native -O2" make -j8
change -j8 to -j2 if you have core2duo, and -j4 if you have quadcore
Step 9
Copy the data file after creating the data directory for the module
sudo mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/RT3070STA
sudo cp RT2870STA.dat /etc/Wireless/RT3070STA/RT3070STA.dat
Step 10
Insert the module into the running kernel after copying into some directory which is common to all users
sudo cp os/linux/rt3070sta.ko /usr/local/bin/rt3070sta-rpmfusion-lucid.ko
sudo insmod /usr/local/bin/rt3070sta-rpmfusion-lucid.ko
Now configure networkmanager to connect to whichever wireless accesspoint you want to join and save it
Step 11
To automatically detect your wireless driver from next boot, add the following line before last line to
/etc/rc.local by editing it as
Upon reboot, your network adapter should be autodetected and connected (if you configured network manager to do so)
Step 12
Whenever there is a new kernel or kernel change rebuild the module, by following above steps